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Written on the 9 September 2021

It is interesting when I listened to the podcast about " Is happiness is the end goal?"
For myself, attaining happiness is very short-term. I am happy when my parcel reaches me. Especially books. I love books so much that despite financial constraints, I will focus on getting at least one or two books for the month. And the funny thing is when the parcel of books reaches me, I will wonder when I actually bought it hahaha but I will still be happy when unwrapping the parcel.
And I agree that contentment is the long-term that we can work out and reach out for because we can have unpleasant feelings and still feel content with our current lives. I feel more peace in myself when I reach a sense of contentment.
I feel at peace when I listen to especially in the Women Up Season 1. I love all of them. I love to listen to life lessons and hikmah. And I love when one of them speak about being a wholesome person by honouring our emotions and not let those emotions bring us down to the path of destruction. And to be in a stable state of contentment to the path of goodness. I really hope that in this journey of life, when I falter, I can gently bring myself up to the state that I can count my blessings in my life.
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