What do you do when you feel like giving up?
Published in ClubHeal's blog

Have you ever felt tired and in a process of giving up?
Have you been nursing your emotional void for so long?
I do.
Our healing is not a linear process.
There will always be ups and downs.
At the moment, we are not as strong as we think are, it is that exact moment when we are actually really strong that we never imagine ourselves to be.
When we are mentally tired due to process of recovery, due to work and other commitments, we set to ponder, : Are we going it right? Is it worth it?
When you are mentally drained and in emotionally distressed, you are overwhelmed in the darkest hole and we feel alone and empty. It feels like it will take forever to walk past the checkpoints and reach our destination.
Is it worth walking to the destination?
We start to have self-doubts. All of us are diagnosed with different mental health issues. Be it bipolar, schizophrenia and depression.
We fear the possibility of a mental relapse. We fear whether we should reveal the mental health status in the job application. We fear to tell our relatives our mental health issues when they are always as curious to know whether you have landed with a job after what seems been long you have graduated.
We have these fears in our heads that seem to put deep trenches around you from escaping into the unknown.
But hey the good news is the fears are invisible. We cannot see them. We have a great advantage over those fears.
Let’s move towards instead of moving away from our goals and aspirations and jump onto the bandwagon to build a better life for ourselves.
We can create beliefs and the actionable steps to get closer to our goals.
Once we are able to crawl out of the black hole, then we are able to stand on our two feet and explore the world around us. There will always be days when we crawl back into our back hole that is calling out to us. But we will always strive to crawl back out of it and stand up again.
Goals are what drive us to move forward in life. Get a piece of paper and write goals that you want to achieve in your dream life. For example,
I want to be a better mother for my daughter
I want to write an inspirational book for the world to read.
I want to best daughter for my parents
And list down the all the small actionable steps to achieve the big goal. Plan deadlines for the small actionable steps to track down the progress. And gradually, you are one step ahead towards your dream goal.