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Georgette Chen 

Written on the 25 April 2021


People have been telling me that there is nothing special about Georgette Chen's oil painting. But I told one of them, " But at least she can paint!"

Journeying throughout her many displayed paintings, I am still in awe of how skilled she was to depict the subject matter to such great detail. The brush strokes were done with care and her greatest inspiration was Paul Souza. I am not really particular about the dates but I am more interested in the story of the artist. She grew up in a privileged family and her father had a business venture in a few countries such as Shanghai and Paris. She was able to play the piano for her cultural music CCA. She was a talented pianist. She learned art paintings throughout her youth and decided to focus on oil painting for the rest of her life. At one point in time, someone introduced her to a man Eugene Chan who later became her husband. Both of them had things in common and they were able to speak in French and English. She followed her husband for his work missions while her husband supported her in her artistic ambition. Their marriage was out of love and they were happy together. 


Her main artistic focus is to draw a still form of the subject matter. The above is one of my favorite art pieces. There are no words to say of how beautiful she had painted the spread of coconut and chilies on a table. I am. not good with words but I would just say that despite critical feedback from some people, her artistic palette has certainly won my heart. Considering her challenges that she faced in her life especially World War 2, she had chosen to paint peaceful objects that did not show her grief and her disdain for the global conflicts. 


I love the portraits of her husband. She must have been enjoying her time painting him. She was really fortunate because she was always supported by her husband to pursue her artistic ambition. 

She is an inspiration for me to continue to appreciate the fine arts and my dream is to travel to the UK and take a guided tour to experience the natural landscape and to visit the museums. 

I am always curious about how artists were able to bravely use Arts to portray the political conflict in the local and the global scene. They have their own preference and style. 

Based on my observations, all of the artists were very passionate about their own preferences and style that accentuate their formal art training in their respective schools. 

I have always loved to look at the paintings and just wonder why and how they do so. They must be a meaningful story behind them. I will always be a strong advocate for fine arts of various mediums such as oil, Ink, and acrylic paintings. And museums and art galleries will always be my favorite go-to places to be lost in my own world. 

I have always loved to be on my own without the need to chatter and to interact because I have always preferred to talk to myself and be comfortable to seek within myself and to always find myself in this school of life. 

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