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Settling in
Written on the 18 Sep 2021

Just went through a good phase of self-reflection. My mood is a bit down due to the flashbacks and my mental exhaustion to get through the recovery. I felt really tired easily and was able to sleep immediately every night. The right dosage helps to relieve my behavioural symptoms. So, now I just want to focus on my maintenance plan where I have listed all the activities that I can do to occupy my time. Despite not putting them in to a schedule, I was able to choose the activity that I want to for every hour so I won't get bored. That is nice considering I cannot follow schedule when it comes to meeting my needs for the day. The 5 daily prayers really helps me to be discipline so I do the activities around those prayer times and also making sure that I eat my meal times. I am flexible with myself this time and I am trying to see whether I can plan an hour fixed activity for next week. They always say take the small step. Hahah...
And I am extremely grateful that I got the chance to be an apprentice at IMH (EPIP). It is a small role but it means so much to me so I have one more activity to put in my schedule. Next, will be volunteering. I am still waiting for the details. Then, it will be enough for me already.
I want to thank my family and a close friend for their support. Without them, I won't be able to recover at a pace that I am comfortable with. Having a close friend is more than enough for me. I don't need many friends. As an introvert, I need a close emotional connection with someone to be called my close friend. I really hope I can slowly settle in with this brand new life and just take a step at a time. You know, my dream is to hold a full time job at IMH EPIP. It's been my dream from the start. I really want to earn my own money and take care of myself. And just enjoy life. Wow, I am 29 already. I have grown up so fast and it is just great that I am 29. I don't mind being 30 soon. I just want to live on my own and see my brothers have their own families and to see my parents grow old gracefully. I like to get a year older because I feel wiser by the year. I like to feel wise. (:
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