Healing through positive affirmations
Published in ClubHeal's blog

Affirmations are short statements that help to change your mindset.
They help us to overcome our limiting beliefs and empower us with positivity and gratitude.
The words that we speak to ourselves, shape our belief system. They influence our subconscious mind to create our reality.
I am amazing. I am smart. I am resilient. I can do this if I believe in myself.
Positive affirmations will come a long way to reduce depression and anxiety.
It calms self-hate from attacking our subconscious and prevents us from coming to a negative belief system that will only create a bad reality.
We are shaped by what our parents, society taught us and in the environment, we grew up in. Certain beliefs become ingrained in us that it is very hard for us to break from. It builds insecurities from personal experience that is not addressed with a mental health therapist.
For example:
I am never enough.
I don’t deserve to take breaks because it shows that I am lazy.
I must get a job that society determines is best for me.
I must have children by 27.
I must not make mistakes because it shows my weakness as a person.
I must not be selfish by praying for what I hope to achieve in life.
I don’t deserve to be loved.
These negative affirmations will shape our reality as the universe will respond to it accordingly.
Let’s frame it positively.
I am enough.
I deserve to take breaks to rest and recharge.
I deserve to pursue my goals and my aspirations because the world needs me to be the best version of myself.
I can make mistakes because I learn from them.
I can selflessly pray for anything I want.
I deserve to be loved and belonged.
These positive affirmations will change your reality and you will be able to transform your life. It will fill your life with positivity and gratitude for life is happening for you and not against you. Do remember that this will take time to work and will require consistency.
If you have an Instagram account, you can create an affirmation in your Instagram story once a week and save it into the highlights section.
To write 10 affirmations on a single strand of colored paper and squash them into small paper balls. Get ready a small container to keep those paper balls. Take one paper ball for each week to determine your affirmation for that week. Every morning, mentally say the affirmation out in your mind.
You can also create a personal space in your room to paste your daily affirmations on your wall. So, when you get up every morning, you can go to your personal space and recite the affirmations mentally.