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The joy of reading
Written on 18 April 2021

Reading has always been part of my life since young. As I enter into the phase of adulthood, I become an avid reader. But I only read about 10- 20 pages per day by just randomly flip through the pages and just find the joy of learning something new every day. I do not remember most of what I have read but I realize I become adept at forming my own strong opinions. I think deeper about myself and about the people around me and I just love to contemplate life.
It improves my cognitive abilities and I am able to hold a great conversation with someone of equal intellect. I believe reading does alter some neuronal pathways in the brain.
Reading has also increased my insatiable curiosity about different topics that are not relevant to my life but it helps me to appreciate fine arts. There is no immediate ROI but it definitely has a long-term investment.
I read mostly poetry and non-fiction books that range from Love, personal growth, leadership, business, relationship with money, and building our brand story.
It has certainly expanded my bandwidth of knowledge and it really helps me when I am networking with people as well. However, I only read when I feel like it so I refrain from forcing myself to read as it will kill the joy of reading.
Reading is one of many hobbies that I have and I am grateful to be able to read. It opens up to infinite possibilities for the future.

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