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About Me
Living Through Life
Embracing imperfection
Self compassion
Flow with me
Falling down
The railway
The Amazing Gift of Curiosity
Dare to fail
Emotional bonding
Acceptance of our destined path
Life Journey
Recognising the efforts of the nurses
A letter to my dear friend.
Bursting with gratitude
The joy of Reading
Appreciation of fine arts
Letting people go out of my life
St Luke's nursing home experience
A phase of my life
Personal space
Adversity leads to transformation
Creativity potential with the human mind
The Endless Istighfar
Alhamdullilah for the bounties.
Reflection about life
The answers to the my prayers
For my grandfather
For my grandmother
Mood stability for the first time.
Changes Back to my real Self
Running towards the Deen
Post-partum depression
The beauty of nature
Time flies
Uncertainty phase of the journey
MasyaAllah, Allah tested me severely.
The Humble Reveal
Poem part 1
Poem part 2
Building an Inclusive Society For All
Poem part 3
Poem part 4
Poem part 5
Malay poetry part 1
Poetry part 6
Mental Health
Emotional Healing
What do you do when you feel like giving
Well-being and healing
Be kind to others
Self-love through positive affirmations
Navigating life after diagnosis
Start small.
How do you find self-worth
How to set personal boundaries
How to let it go and live again
New year post
Challenges as a stepping stone.
It’s okay if all you did today was
The story of my relapse
Suicide is a cause of concern.
The most recent relapse in March 2021.
The calm after the storm
A recent meltdown
The awareness
The Aftermath
Settling in
Being happy on my own
Uncertainty phase of the journey.
Georgette Chen
Chuah Thean Teng
Chua Mia Tee
Chloë Manasseh
Vincent Van Gogh
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